Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM

Jan 19, 2022
nutley kia blog

The New Year is here as well as the winter season. A New Year means new goals, new adventure, and new experiences. With all the excitement a New Year brings, we must remember harsh winter weather follows for the next two months. Winter weather brings many challenges to driving and getting around. Unfavorable weather like snow, sleet, and ice, present issues to visibility on the roads and overall traction to cars. Here at Nutley Auto Kia Goodyear, we want you to help you drive safely in any weather, especially winter weather, here are some tips to keep in mind!


Tip #1: Get your tires checked

Safe driving starts with your tires. When weather warnings indicate harsh winter conditions like heavy snow and ice, making sure your tires are ready for the task should be a top priority. The cold weather causes the pressure in your tires to go down. Regularly checking the tire pressure in the winter will go a long way. Even preparing before the winter season starts can go a long way! Prepare yourself by getting your tires and tire pressure checked here at Nutley Auto Kia Goodyear before the winter season starts.


Tip #2: Know your route and plan ahead

When you get word from the local weather that a snow or ice storm will hit and you know you need to be on the road, planning your journey ahead of time should be your next step. Be sure to avoid areas that might be highly congested or feature tricky road landscapes like hills or curves. Using google maps to find alternative routes to your destination can help tremendously. You’ll be able to really pinpoint the safest and most direct route before you hit the road. 


Making sure your phone is fully charged and telling someone when you are leaving and when you arrive safely should be some actions to follow too. Having a full tank of gas is an extra step to be sure you don’t get put in a challenging situation if a slow down or accident occurs. Before heading out on the road, planning and knowing your route can make all the difference. 

Tip #3: Slow and steady wins the race

Your tires are in prime condition, your route is all planned, now it is time to get in your car and complete your drive in the wintery conditions. The first and genuinely vital rule to follow when driving in the snow or ice is to move slowly and actively. Careful, steady, and alert driving is what will get you to your destination all in one piece. 


Not accelerating or braking too often is an excellent key to follow. Doing so could exceed your tire’s ability to grip the road. Next, knowing your car’s momentum is crucial. Anticipating turns, stops, going uphill or downhill all factor into the equation. Make sure you only brake and accelerate while going on a straight path. Then be sure to only steer if you are not braking or accelerating. This will give your tires one thing to do, which will reduce your chances of skidding or sliding. Lastly, always be sure to leave enough space between you and other cars on the road. Allow yourself the flexibility to brake early and precisely to maintain control of the vehicle and safely avoid others. 


Now that you have the essential safety tips, you should be ready to brace those harsh winter conditions on the road. If you need extra protection or think you require a total upgrade in your ride to safely drive this winter, look no further than Nutley Kia.


Pick out the vehicle that will take you on your way this winter by visiting Nutley Auto Kia Goodyear today! Come check out your new or pre-owned vehicle at Nutley Auto Kia, a specialized, family-owned Kia dealer for 16 years. Go to, or call 973-241-3222, or visit us at 66 Washington Avenue in Nutley, New Jersey.