Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM

Jul 24, 2015

traveling with dogs

Road tripping with family and friends has long been one of America’s favorite past-times. It’s one of the best ways to spend time with your loved ones – and that includes your four-legged friend! Here’s a list of five tips to help keep your pup safe on the road.

Buckle Up!

Yea doggie seat belts are a little goofy. Kind of like those backpack leashes for children. But they’re a great way to not only keep your dog safe, but also prevent them from being a distraction to you as a driver. Even pets that are well adjusted to traveling in the car should be secured in a durable harness, as they can become a dangerous projectile in the unfortunate event of a collision.

Dog-Proof Your Car

This is more than just throwing a blanket down on the back seat to avoid a carpet of dog hair. Dogs are like children and love to explore new sites, scents, and scenes. Be aware of anything that might be within your dog’s reach that could be hazardous to them. Those Styrofoam coffee cups from the local gas station? Dangerous chew toy. Not leaving the windows open enough when making a quick pit stop? Threat of heat exhaustion. Loose objects in the back seat with Dog? Harmful projectiles. You might call this being over-protective, but your four-legged friend will thank you in the end!

Keep Every Part Of The Dog Inside The Vehicle At All Times


Pups with their heads out the window, ears and tongue flapping in the wind, may be wicked cute, but they’re also at serious risk of injury. He could get a bug in his eye, damage his hearing from all that flapping, or hit his head on a passing car or object. If you are going to let your pup enjoy the wind in their fur, make sure your traveling at slower speeds and on roads that you know they’ll be safe on.

Stick To A Routine

Traveling is stressful! Humans get stressed out by traveling and we know where we’re going! Developing a consistent schedule for bathroom, feeding, sleeping, and exercise breaks can reduce anxiety for your pet and help maintain their mental stability. When you’re developing your game plan remember that not everywhere is pet friendly. Research places to stay and eat beforehand to reduce the amount of time your pooch has to spend alone in the car.

Protect Your Buddy

Always be prepared for the unfortunate event that you become separated from your pup. Be sure to bring along a copy of your dog’s license and medical and vaccination records. Keep recent photographs of your dog and a written description of his or her breed, build, color, and signature markings that you can circulate to help reunite you with man’s best friend.



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