Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM

Oct 10, 2019
tips to driving to grandma's for thanksgiving open road

Thanksgiving is a time of year where millions of Americans travel to reunite with families. That means thousands of people will be on the roads and everyone knows how terrible holiday traffic can get. This is why we have decided to make a list for you of tips for traveling on the roads during Thanksgiving. 

Keep reading to learn more about how to keep safe when driving to grandmas for thanksgiving. 


Tip # 1: Watch out for the weather

Leaves aren’t the only thing falling during the fall holidays. This time of year brings a lot of stormy weather with a few of the first frosts. This means that roads can become unsafe. They can be slippery from rains and flooding, as well as from debris falling. It’s important, therefore, to remain alert and monitor the road when driving. We know having kids and your whole family in the car is distracting, but try to stay concentrated on driving, for your safety and theirs. 

beware of weather while on the road

Tip #2: Beware Blackout Wednesday

The night before Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving eve is called Blackout Wednesday for a reason. It is the biggest day for drinking in the country. This means you will inevitably be sharing the road with drivers that are under the influence of alcohol. It is one of the highest days for alcohol-impaired crashes and claims hundreds of lives each year. This is why you should be very careful when driving on this holiday. 


Tip #3: Get a Pre-Trip Maintenance Check-Up

Thanksgiving is a tricky holiday as is to drive and nothing could ruin it more than having car trouble. To avoid getting stuck on the side of the road with your whole family in the car, it’s important to get your car checked before heading out. Some things you can do are 

  • Do basic maintenance of the car. Check the wipers, fluid levels and change your oil. 
  • Set up an oil change appointment before the drive
  • Check your battery
  • Inspect your tires for proper inflation and tread.  Don’t forget your spare tire!
  • Have your brakes inspected
  • Have your vehicle inspected before overtaking the driving necessary for Thanksgiving
  • Take it to a trusted mechanic for a complete tune-up and inspection

car maintenance before thanksgiving

Tip #4: Prepare for the trip

It is important to be prepared for the trip. Slow down and think before leaving and plan the route ahead and any spare routes you may need to take in case traffic gets bad. You should expect to hit traffic and your trip will take longer than planned, so plan for some extra time. Having extra time to reach your destination will keep everyone’s stress levels low and allow you to focus on the road. 


Tip #5: Practice alert driving

As stated before, it is important to remain alert and drive safely. Some tips to follow for safe driving are

  • Adjust your seat and mirrors for more alert driving
  • Wear the right eyewear. Don’t forget your glasses in the rush to leave and
  • Plan your route before driving and share the itinerary with someone you know. 
  • Aim your headlights correctly. You’d be surprised how many cars have unevenly positioned headlights, so check these before the drive.
  • Make sure you and your family are secured with seat belts
  • Ensure that you have a full tank of gas
  • Follow the speed limit. If you are driving in stormy weather, driving slower is better. 
  • Make sure you have enough space between you and other vehicles on your route.
  • If you notice reckless driving, contact law enforcement. This can help prevent others from getting into accidents. 


Tip #6: Avoid Peak Times

Make sure you check the traffic and weather conditions on the road you plan to take. It is also important to avoid peak travel times, to avoid dangerous situations. The worst days to travel in terms of traffic are the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday after Thanksgiving Day. It’s better to leave early or later, so you won’t share the road with so many anxious drivers who just want to get home. 

thanskgiving traffic peak time


Tip #7: Be Prepared for an Emergency

When traveling during the colder months, it is always important to be prepared. We recommend always carrying gloves, boots, blankets, flares, ice scrapers, a shovel, kitty litter or sand, a flashlight and a fully charged cell phone. It is also important to make sure you always have at least half a tank of gas for your entire drive. 


Tip #8: Prepare for Traveling with kids

Driving with kids can be very distracting, especially for long distances. To keep concentrated during the drive, make sure you pack enough snacks, water, games and even music to keep them occupied and keep them from screaming or crying. Don’t forget extra chargers and batteries for electronic devices to keep them occupied.  


The holidays are a great time to reunite with loved ones and take a break from our busy schedule. But driving during Thanksgiving can be tricky, so we hope these tips can help you when preparing to make the trip to grandmas. We hope you enjoy the trip. Happy Thanksgiving!


Need your car serviced before the Thanksgiving drive? At Nutley Auto Kia, we can help you with all your servicing needs. Come on over to Nutley Auto Kia’s Service Department and schedule your appointment

