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Mar 23, 2023
Things Every Car Owner Needs

As a car owner, there are certain things you should keep in your car to ensure a better sense of safety. Whether you are going on a long drive or are simply looking to drive more comfortably, you should keep this list of things in your car no matter where you go. Keep reading and find out how you can travel with everything you need and more. 

8 Things Every Vehicle Owner Needs 

1. Owner’s Manual 

First off, every car owner should have their owner’s manual in their vehicle. Most people keep theirs in their glove box or in their center console. It is important to keep your owner’s manual with you as it gives you all of the important information you need about your car. For example, within the owner’s manual, you can find important things like maintenance schedules, troubleshooting tips, and what is the significance or certain warning lights. On the other hand, you can also utilize the owner’s manual to access warranty information, the resale value, and overall important safety information. If you happen to buy a pre-owned vehicle without an owners manual, you should be able to order one from the manufacturer. 

2. Insurance and Car Repair Information 

When driving your car, you should always have your insurance information with you in addition to your license and registration. You will need proof of insurance, which could be a physical copy of your insurance card or a digital copy on your phone. Meanwhile, you also should have proof of insurance that includes: 

  • Name of your insurance company 
  • The policy number
  • Type of coverage 
  • Expiration date of policy 

You should also carry information for roadside assistance if you have it and contact information in case of an accident or emergency. So no matter where you go, be sure to have your car insurance information with you on-hand. 

3. Jumper Cables 

Another thing drivers should have in their cars are jumper cables. Doing so can be a lifesafer in the event of a dead battery. So here are some reasons you should have have them with you: 

  • Dead Battery: When your car battery dies, if you car jumper cables, you will be able to easily restart your vehicle and get back on the road. This can save you tons of time if you do not want to call a professional to have your vehicle jump-started. 
  • You can help others: Carrying jumper cables is not just a preventative measure in honor of your own safety, having these cables could also enable you to help someone else. If you come across a friend who needs a jump-start, you will be the first person they call! 
  • Cost-Effective: Lastly, traveling with jumper cables can save you money as opposed to calling a tow truck to have your car picked up or restarted. 

Having jumper cables is a safe and cost-effective way to avoid getting stranded with a dead car battery. Roadside assistance availability also offers an alternative to those uncomfortable with jumper cables. 

4. A Spare Tire or Roadside Assistance

If you want to be prepared for an emergency, it is important to have three items in your car: a tire jack, a spare, and a lug wrench. By having these things, you will be able to change your tire on the road, preventing an accident from happening due to flat or damaged tires. Also, be sure that you have ALL three items, because otherwise two of them alone are useless. 

Certain cars have locking lug nuts that require a specific key. If your car has this feature, be sure to also keep that key with your other tools. Having all of these items in your car is a great way to be more prepared and to deal with unexpected incidents. Also keep in mind, many vehicles no longer include spade tires as standard equipment to help maximize space and to reduce weight and cost. But, you may have the option to purchase a spare. 

5. Tire Pressure Gauge 

A tire pressure gauge is another useful tool to keep in your car. Unlike checking yourself, a pressure gauge can give you perfectly accurate readings of how much air is in your tires and how much you need to add. It is also important to regularly check the air pressure of your tires, even if they do not necessarily seem to be low. Maintaining adequate tire pressure will improve the lifespan of your car, increase your fuel economy, and improve vehicle handling.  Newer vehicles have TPMS sensors to indicate tire pressure. 

6. Cleaning Supplies 

There are many reasons to keep cleaning supplies in your car. Whether you need to clean up a quick spill, maintain your interior, or reduce a need for maintenance, having the right cleaning supplies in your car can be extremely helpful. Keeping the interior of your car clean can drastically improve your car’s lifespan and will prevent further dirt buildup, odors, and stains. By practicing good car maintenance habits, you will save an extensive amount of money along the way. 

7. First Aid Kit 

Keeping a first aid kit in your car is essential for several reasons. Firstly, accidents can happen at any time while on the road, and having a first aid kit available can help you quickly address any injuries or medical emergencies that may occur. Having a first aid kit can be particularly important if you’re traveling in a remote or rural area where medical services may not be readily available. Also, having a first aid kit can provide peace of mind and security for you and your passengers. Knowing you have the necessary supplies to handle a medical emergency can help you feel more confident and prepared while driving, especially when traveling with children or pets, who may be more susceptible to accidents and injuries.

First aid kits must be regularly checked and maintained to ensure all supplies are up-to-date and in good condition. Basic first aid supplies, such as bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, and adhesive tape, should be included in the kit. Other items that may be helpful include a thermal blanket, scissors, tweezers, and a first aid manual. Overall, keeping a first aid kit in your car is a simple and effective way to be prepared for unexpected medical emergencies while on the road.

8. Windshield Washer Fluid

For several reasons, windshield washer fluid is helpful to keep in your car. Firstly, it helps to keep your windshield clean and clear, which is crucial for safe driving. It removes dirt, grime, and debris from your windshield, providing clear driving visibility. Another benefit of having windshield washer fluid in your car is that it can help prevent your windshield washers from wearing out prematurely. Washer blades can become damaged or worn on a dry windshield, as the friction between them and the glass can cause them to degrade over time. Windshield washer fluid acts as a lubricant that reduces the friction between the blades and the windshield, helping to prolong the life of your wiper blades.

Having windshield washer fluid in your car can be helpful in emergencies. Suppose you’re driving on a dusty or muddy road, and your windshield becomes covered in debris. In that case, you can quickly clean it off using your windshield washer fluid, which can help avoid accidents.

At Nutley Kia, we want to provide you with all of the information they need to ensure safe and effective driving. Visit our blog for tips and tricks on how to practice better car maintenance, industry updates, and more! Thanks for reading and check back soon! 

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