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Aug 19, 2022
How to Save Money in the Heat of High Gas Prices | The Kia Way


If you have been watching the news or simply just filling up your own gas tank, you can attest to the fact that these high gas prices have skyrocketed. Across the United States, people from different cities and states have been feeling the heat of high gas prices, as demand is up and people are traveling again. However, for some people, their ability to travel and save money has been taken away due to the extensive rise in gas prices. 

If you are looking to save money at a time when gas prices are skyrocketing, we can show you how to do so The Kia Nutley way. 

To introduce the issue, first we will explain why the rise in prices is taking place. In countries around the world, oil supplies are lower than the demand; drastically raising already high gas prices. Furthermore, regional conflicts in oil-producing hubs globally contribute to the price of gas, as oil is a commodity used to leverage economic and political power.

How to Save Money on Gas | How to Save Money in the Heat of High Gas Prices


But why are prices so high in the U.S.?  One cause is the Keystone XL Pipeline Permit revoked by the Biden Administration. The halt of the pipeline opening stopped about 830,000 barrels per day of oil from being shipped to Nebraska, limiting gasoline production. Also, due to the still-lingering effects of the pandemic, major oil companies reduced gasoline production over the past few years – stunting supply. 

Other corporate actions have affected the supply. The OPEC (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) for example did not increase production post-pandemic, which is not in accordance with the current demands of travelers. Additionally, other firms like The Colonial Pipeline were forced to go offline and stop production due to a cyberattack; widening the gap between the demand for gas and the current supply within the U.S. 

How to Save Money on Gas | How to Save Money in the Heat of High Gas Prices


Now that the causation of the recent increase in gas prices has been explained, we are going to offer you some prime strategies to save money when filling up your tank. 

How To Manage High Gas Prices: 

  • Know Your Vehicle’s Mileage 

Understanding your car’s mileage will aid you in budgeting the amount of money you spend on gas. Track your daily commute and see how much gas you use per week and develop a plan for refilling your tank. By understanding how much you spend and how far your spending gets you, you can accurately forecast how much money per month you are spending on gas. 

The first advice we are presenting to you is to evaluate your driving habits. Ask yourself questions like, “Do I need to drive to work?” “Where are places that I usually drive to that I could walk to?” and learn how effective your vehicle is when filling up your tank. Does your vehicle guzzle gas? 

  • Do Not Overload Your Car or Truck 

Travel lightly. Just as mentioned previously, the goal of this article is to make you evaluate your driving habits in order to be more fuel efficient and to save money at the gas pump. When you overload your car, you put extensive pressure on the vehicle’s aerodynamics, which in turn, negatively affects your car’s fuel efficiency. Also due to the way carrying heavy loads impacts your engine, it is likely straining can take place, which also alters fuel efficiency. 

We hope that you found one or more of these strategies effective for you. Additionally, we want to provide our customers and extended audiences with ways to save money. However, here at Kia Nutley, we believe that the first step to saving money on gas is by evaluating your driving habits. Plan your trips, join reward programs, and stay tuned to the trends and changes in gas pricing. Work smarter, not harder. We know there are ways to do it. Follow up on the website for more tips, tricks, and industry updates. 

  • Make a Budget Depending on Familial Expenditures 

Are high gas prices too expensive for your family? If so, do not just look at how much money you are spending on gas. Come up with ways to budget your spending in other areas to make sure you are spending the right amount of money on gas, groceries, and on day-to-day expenditures. 

By doing so, you will be able to see how your spending on gas impacts the rest of your budget. 

  • Stay Updated with Current Gas Prices 

Gas prices in certain areas are cheaper. And if you live in a city, the prices can be higher. Pay attention to the increase or decrease in price at your local gas station. Then look to compare the price to other gas stations nearby. 

By evaluating how much you are paying to fill up your tank as opposed to how much others may be spending, you may get an idea of which stations are offering the most feasible gas. Keep in mind the size of your tank and how far you would have to go to save money. All of these factors impact your spending per month on gas. 

  • Utilize Fuel Reward Programs 

Check if your local gas station has a fuel rewards program. If they do, right now may be the perfect time to sign up. By adding up points, you may be able to save almost $50 every month or so, depending on how often you refill your tank. Find discounts and join a rewards program, every penny counts! 

  • Ensure Your Tires are Properly Inflated 

This strategy has a direct impact on your car’s gasoline consumption. Under-inflated tires can end up burning a larger amount of fuel per gallon due to the fact that your car will need to compensate for the deflation of your tires. You could end up wasting up to a $1 of gas per gallon by not tending to your tires, so do not forget to check your tire pressure. It will save you. Especially with overinflation and the impact of depreciated tires regarding their product life-cycle/wear-and-tear. 

  • Reevaluate Your Driving Habits

After re-evaluating your daily commute or how you get to the grocery store, you will be sure to find routes that you can take (whether that be on foot or by bicycle) to save money on gas. If you implement one gas-saving strategy per day, you will see your savings increase in no time. 

How to Save Money on Gas | How to Save Money in the Heat of High Gas Prices


Choose one of these strategies today and start saving.


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