Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM

Apr 24, 2020
learn at home during covid-19

In light of the recent global crisis of COVID-19, the prolonged closure of educational institutes has led to the suspension of all academic activities. As schools are navigating towards online teaching platforms, assigning home tasks, and conducting tests, parents are still struggling to facilitate their kids in adapting to the new learning environment.

In this challenging time, you need to keep your children engaged in activities that stimulate their learning power. Therefore, following a structured roadmap with do’s and don’ts is pivotal in guiding you on how to go about homeschooling. And, if you are a university student, what better time to work on your skill set? An organized approach will not only allow you to learn at home conveniently but will also resonate much-needed positivity in the current pandemic.


Here are some essential tips and guidelines to make your at-home learning experience stress-free:

 1. Follow a schedule

To ensure that your children learn at a healthy pace, you will have to set a routine for them to follow. A structured routine will not only push them to learn with a focused mind but will also maintain a balance between learning and playing. It will make homeschooling relatively easier for you, and your child’s education will not come to a permanent stop.

Start by setting out small tasks in the routine; once the kids start achieving these short learning milestones, you can tailor the routine accordingly. Once things get back on track, you can also allow some autonomy to your children by letting them plan out a study routine for themselves. It will not only encourage them to share their creative ideas into home learning but also train them with a sense of responsibility. And it will eventually give parents who are working from home a much-needed relief from homeschooling stress for a while.


2. Avoid studying for too long

It is essential that you prioritize your mental and physical well-being at all times. Avoid studying extensively for continuous hours as this will drain your energy away, affecting your productivity as you proceed. Frequent short breaks will help your mind refresh while you regain strength and focus on continuing to study. Overworking yourself is highly discouraged, considering how the corona outbreak has made mental health difficult already. Especially for kids, it is recommended that if they’re learning at home, you ensure they are taking timely breaks. If you feel stressed, then talk about it with your family and friends and think through ways you can manage stress. Parents are also encouraged to have this discussion with their kids as this learning at home ecosystem might be daunting for some kids.


3. Don’t study in the same place

Sitting and studying in the same place may tire you while draining your interest away from learning. Therefore, allow yourself to explore new places in the house where you can study conveniently. The change of environment will boost your productivity level as your study pace accelerates. Moving out to an outdoor space will also keep your mind healthy. Parents can also try outdoor space to facilitate their children’s learning. The added health benefits that come with studying around nature are strong enough to convince you to try out outdoor spaces.


4. Reading time is a must

What better way to nurture your mind than to read? Make some room for literacy in your learning at home routine. You can read a book to your child and allow them to get creative with their thoughts about the book. This reading ritual can also be transformed into a fun activity. For instance, you can ask your child to draw what they imagine after reading the story or sketch what could happen next in the story. This time can be further made fun and engaging by introducing newspaper cuttings, as you help your child arrange words into poems.

In recent times, our mind needs a good break when possible, and engaging ourselves in literate activities is the best way to refresh.


5. Use e-learning platforms

As the world progresses towards digitization, several educational websites have been up on the internet to revolutionize e-learning. These educational sites teach everything from Math to Chemistry and from English to French. For adults, there are more established websites that offer skill-specific courses and lectures.

  • Backpack Sciences – If you are a parent of a child in elementary school, then this is your go-to website this pandemic. The website is a hub of science-related lectures that will help build up your child’s concepts with hands-on learning experiments.
  • Arcademic Skill Builders – This website offers a different learning dynamic through its gamification. Each game is structured on the foundation of a learning concept from language arts, math, geography, and spelling. Help your child improve their concepts in a fun way.
  • BrainPop – BrainPop is another help in planning lessons for homeschooling their child. This website facilitates you to organize the built-in resources that range from science and math to arts and technology into a lesson plan for your kid.
  • Edu-Together – Students from grade 3-12 can benefit from the resourceful repository of EduTogether. The video lectures span across a range of subjects and courses taught in schools.


School closures have disrupted everyone’s education. However, you can normalize the situation by transitioning into learning at home through multiple online platforms. Parents can homeschool their children via these e-learning platforms and also by introducing self-learning activities. The coronavirus outbreak may have paralyzed academic activities, but staying safe must be our priority. And what better way to expand our knowledge base than learning in the comfort of our home.